Our theme for 2024 is Be Bold, Be Proactive and Be Helpful.
Dear Multicultural Council of NY members and friends,
This coming April 8th at 7:00 pm we will hold the event on Zoom (link will be at the bottom of the writeup)
The MultiCultural Council of New York is honored to present three women whom we believe are worthy of being honored as the Women of the Year for 2024. They are Aiyoung Choi, a peace activist, a consultant to non-profit organizations, as well as an educator. Ms. Rebecca Sassouni, a family lawyer and the current President of the Great Neck School District's Board of Education. And last, but not least, Ms. April Francis-Taylor who is the Director for Diversity, Equity and Inclusion at the Eastern Suffolk BOCES.
Youth Scholarship
My father, Elder Byung Han Lee, passed away peacefully on October 18, 2021. He was my mentor in the Humanities. He wrote meditation notes which turned into poems and songs. He and I discussed human rights at length. He was a Christian and he was close to the word of God, the Bible.
He respected people’s belief in other religions, philosophy and ways of life. He used to say that Christians can embrace all!
I thank many people who knew him or of him who generously donated and helped me to start the Byung Han Lee Humanity Scholarship on the Multicultural Council of NY.
Please read the following and send an email to sleesegredo@multiccny.org in order to be considered for the scholarship.
In celebration of Women's History Month, the Multicultural Council of NY would like to select one from each grade. (7 - 12 grades) This year we will add a Fine Art Competition and will recognize 1 high school student. You can visit www.multiccny.org to view last year’s event. You can also read our goal and vision.
Look forward to receiving your application.
Soh Young Lee-Segredo
Multicultural Council of NY Founder/President
Scholarship Criteria
Byung Han Lee Humanity Scholarship on the Multicultural Council of NY.
Jin (진), Truth
Awarded $500 to 10, 11, 12th graders who are role models to local and/or international communities.
Sun (선), Goodness
Awarded $300 to 7,8,9th grader who are role models to local and/or international communities
Mi (미), Beauty
Awarded $500 to one high school student who is a role model to local and/or international communities.
Deadline : MARCH 29, 2024
Notification: April 5th, 2024 (One student from each category will be notified.)
You must be present on April 8th, 7 p.m. (EST) Zoom to join in the Women's History Month Celebration.
Required documents:
Name, grade, age, school name, extracurricular activities, talents, passions, volunteerism
One recommendation letter from a third person who believes that you qualify for this award.
Intellectual Honesty:
The essay should be written by the individual who is applying for the scholarship only.
Rubric: Judges will look into your mindfulness of humanity, creativity and grammar/convention
Essay Competition:
Write an essay answering the following questions:
1. What is your understanding of humanity? (Paragraph 1)
2. How do you reflect on yourself and grow daily to become a better human being? (Paragraph 2)
3. How do you show caring and kindness in your daily life? (Paragraph 3)
Length of Essay:
Do not exceed 500 words (high school student), and 400 words (7-9th graders)
Email required documents and essay to sleesegredo@multiccny.org
Fine Art Competition:
8 in. by 11 in.
Draw using any medium to express humanity, being a better human being, kindness
Must mail the art piece to
Multicultural Council of NY
Soh Young Lee-Segredo
243 S. Bayview Ave.
Freeport, NY 11520
Email required documents to sleesegredo@multiccny.org
Winners will be featured on www.multiccny.org
Winners' names along with photos (Please send us with high resolution) will be featured on the Multicultural Council of NY. Please send your photo only when we notify you as a winner.
Judges for semi-finalists include Elder Byung Han Lee's Grandchildren
Ujin Lee Segredo Samantha Lee
Tina Segredo Rachel Lee
Daniel Lee Segredo Kasey Lee
Judges for Finalists:
Multicultural Council of NY Board members
Look forward to receiving your application.
Soh Young Lee-Segredo
Multicultural Council of NY Founder/President
Zoom Information:
Description:Gustavo Segredo is inviting you to a scheduled Zoom meeting. Join Zoom Meeting https://us02web.zoom.us/j/83420595472?pwd=Q0h2Um41Mk8rS1lGWnRoQ0V1dWRpQT09 Meeting ID: 834 2059 5472 Passcode: 429356